Site map for Corpus Presenter website
You can access the various sections of this website in either of two ways. Firstly, by moving the mouse cursor to a box on the desktop and clicking on the link it contains. Secondly, by clicking on any of the links in the following structure. This will lead to the particular section being loaded. You can then return to the sitemap by clicking on the button Site Map at the top of the window. You can use the Back button in any window to retrace a step.
- What is Corpus Presenter ?
- The program suite
- Using the launcher
- Frequently asked questions
- Help in Corpus Presenter
- Installing Corpus Presenter
- Removing Corpus Presenter
- The book Corpus Presenter
- Versions of Corpus Presenter
- Upgrading via the internet
Getting started
- General overview
- How to load files
- How to search texts
- A little more detailed . . .
Viewing files
- How files are displayed
- Non-West European languages
- Parameters for display
- The directory listing level
- The internal text editor
Quick searches
- Simple find
- Quick search
- Searches with wild cards
- Simple project
- Using input lists
- Range of text searches
- Finding strings in returns
- Exporting returns as a HTML file
- If a search does not work . . .
Advanced searches
- Advanced search
- Search parameters
- Types of returns from searches
- What to do with returns
- Saving returns to disk
- Cocoa parameters
- Markup code (comments)
- Finding strings in returns
- Exporting returns as a HTML file
- If a search does not work . . .
Returns from searches
- RTF returns
- Line list returns
- Single-line grid returns
- Multi-line grid returns
- Returns as databases
- Chart generation from returns
Information about texts
- Word lists
- Collocations
- Lexical clustering
- Keyness
Compiling a corpus
- When you are compiling a corpus
- Using Text Tool to process texts
- Interactive tagging
- Automatic tagging
- Normalising texts
- What is XML?
Data sets
- Make a tree (data set file) with the supplied utility
- Making a data set file on the directory listing level
- Making a data set by copying files from a corpus
- The structure of data set files
- Working with databases
- Making a database
- Generating a report
Other projects
- A Corpus of Irish English
- Related projects
- Files for Helsinki corpora
Glossary and references
- Glossary of terms
- References